Category Archives: Local issues

Newspapers and Democracy or Riding the Feral Beast

Argus title : Spinning to the end – Blair insults us all

I’ve never enjoyed seeing people make fools of themselves.

I hate watching incompetent or pompous politicians on television and, to my husband’s amusement, will leave the room rather than witness their humiliation.

By far the worst were US Vice President Dan Quayle and former leader of the Labour Party Neil Kinnock. The general idiocy of the first and the verbose pomposity of the second used to propel me from my seat like a rocket. I’d leave the minute they appeared on television and stay in the kitchen until they’d finished. “Is it over yet?” I’d shout and my husband would reply opportunistically “No, there’s time to make a cup of tea”

When Tony Blair became Labour Party leader, I was grateful for his competence and self confidence in front of the cameras. Though I strongly disagreed with his policies, I was pleased to be able to remain seated when he appeared on the news. I felt I could relax. Continue reading