Category Archives: Government

Gordon Brown’s Big Tent

Argus title : Brown can still right his wrongs

Readers of this column will know that I quite like Gordon Brown. I respect his competence and by and large, I think he’s honest. However, recently he’s made several errors.

When he came to power, colleagues who wished him well, advised him to simply be himself. The media and his Blairite enemies attacked him, calling him a “control freak” and “clunking fist”. They urged him to be “inclusive” (put Blairites in positions of power) and “loosen the reins” (let them do what they want).

In the event, Brown seems to be more of a democrat than Blair. He has re-instituted proper cabinet government and consults ministerial colleagues in a way that Blair never did. However, he appears to have also allowed those around him a wider degree of leeway than perhaps was wise. Continue reading