Category Archives: Government

Tony Blair and Three Faces

Argus title : Goodbye and good riddance

In a few days, Tony Blair will resign. The long goodbye is drawing to an end, the increasingly desperate scrabble for a “legacy” almost complete.

Blair will retire to a life of affluence, almost certainly devoting himself to a lucrative lecture round in which he will continue to serve US interests. With time on his hands, he will, no doubt, continue to be a thorn in the side of his likely successor. His obstinate refusal to go could not have done more damage to a Brown administration.

Blair leaves our country mired in war on two fronts and committed to renewal of a nuclear weapon system it shouldn’t have, doesn’t need and can’t afford. He leaves a Health Service in chaos which haemorrhages money to the private firms and management consultants that have battened upon it – and an education system in which the common factor is bullying, rather than academic excellence. Continue reading