Category Archives: Government

Iraq and the appeasement of the USA

Argus title : Spinning of history is a disgrace

Understanding our history is important to us all. It is how we make sense of things. This is as true for individuals as it is for groups of people. It is certainly true of nations.

Winston Churchill understood this. As an historian he was able to properly assess the threat posed by Hitler. His writing wasn’t objective – no history really can be – but he attempted, from his class and historical perspective, to give ordinary British people an understanding of how their past impacts upon their present lives.

The same is true of Tony Benn, one of the greatest chroniclers of modern political times. As Benn travels the country puffing on his pipe and speaking to packed audiences about the Levellers, the Tolpuddle Martyrs and the suffragettes, he is not just indulging in whimsy. Continue reading