Category Archives: Local issues

Baker Street and London Road

Argus article : Let’s revise London Road

When I first came to England I worked at Bedford College Library in Regents Park. Every morning I’d catch the tube to Baker Street tube station, then walk down Baker Street itself towards the park. It was magical.

I’d grown up on a diet of Sherlock Holmes and so every moment I expected to see the great detective strolling down the street or to hear the sound of his violin wafting on the breeze.

I knew very well that 22b Baker Street had never existed, but that didn’t stop me looking for it – much as nowadays Harry Potter fans surreptitiously look for Platform 9 ¾ at Kings Cross Station.

I have an especial affection for Baker Street. With Madame Tussaud’s at one end and the park and London Zoo at the other, it must be one of the most extraordinary streets in the world. Continue reading