Category Archives: Local issues

The Church and Modern Enclosure

Argus title : We must protect our birthright

Of recent months, I have been very involved in the campaign to save St Peter’s Church.

This has caused confusion amongst my atheist friends. Many of them find it difficult to understand why I have a faith at all. Some see an attachment to Christianity as a relatively harmless, though embarrassing, lapse of judgment – a bit like enjoying the Eurovision Song Contest or liking Bruce Forsythe. They prefer to politely ignore it.

Unfortunately for them, it’s proved quite difficult to ignore the campaign to save St Peter’s Church. It’s been interesting to watch their discomfort when confronted by the petition to save it. Some say they won’t sign because they can’t support anything to do with religion. Others indicate there are many more important campaigns. After all, when Iraq is in flames, rape and murder continue unabated in Darfur and Palestine is on the brink of civil war, why concern oneself with an old church? Continue reading