Category Archives: Mental Health

Britain – the Drunkard of Europe

Argus title : Britain:The staggering drunkard of all Europe

The usual carnage of drink and drug-fuelled disorder and violence has taken place over Christmas and the New Year holiday period.

But, the nation has come through it. At the threshold of a new year, Britain is still standing – stupefied, occasionally violent and with the bitterness of bile in its throat – the drunkard of Europe staggering at the continent’s kerbside.

The Observer has published a report from the Independent Drugs Monitoring Unit suggesting that the price of a sparse line of cocaine is now less than an expensive cup of coffee. The report, which was prepared for this week’s BBC2 programme, “If Drugs were Legal” revealed that the price of drugs has plummeted over the past 10 years as, nationally, customs officers and police have failed miserably to cut off the drug supply. Continue reading