Category Archives: Miscellany


Argus title : A homegrown food rebelliion

This week I made a decision – and a resolution.

After months of delay and prevarication, and 35 lazy years of buying from the supermarket, I have finally decided to order a regular weekly vegetable box. It’ll contain organic vegetables in season, sourced, I hope, from Sussex.

The resolution I’ve made is to buy from supermarkets only if I’m sure I can’t find what I want elsewhere. I’ll use markets when I can and old-fashioned greengrocers when they’re available – even if their produce costs a bit more.

The fact is I’ve grown weary of being forced to buy big bags of potatoes that I don’t need and which taste mouldy and sprout after just a day or two. I’m sick of “fresh” food that’s been stored for 18 months, yellowing brassicas, and soft tomatoes rotting gently under supermarket lights, jet-lagged fruit and imported flowers stuffed into buckets without water. Continue reading