Category Archives: Women

Sharia and the Archbishop

Argus title : Islamic law is incompatible with our rights

Over the past few weeks, 1000s of people have registered their disapproval of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks suggesting a formal acceptance of Sharia Law. In a collective howl of outrage, they have emailed and written to newspapers, telephoned radio stations and posted comments on television and newspaper websites. The government has spoken out against him as have opposition parties. Bishops here and abroad have castigated him. The level of disagreement has been almost overwhelming.

Many clergy and some journalists have argued that the Archbishop was misunderstood, that he is a scholar whose carefully argued text has been plundered by crude media hounds and bigots who took no time to understand it.

The Archbishop has taken responsibility for what he calls “unclarity” within the speech, but has not apologised. He continues to believe that he has been misunderstood. Continue reading