Category Archives: Campaigns

EDO and Weapons Protests

Argus title : Protests in jeopardy by a misuse of the law

The Protection from Harrassment Act 1997 (PHA) was framed to protect people terrorised by stalkers.

It came into being because existing law failed to deal effectively with abusers who subjected their victims to repeated threats and ‘minor’ acts of intimidation or violence. Other legislation did not adequately take into account a pattern of behaviour – a ‘course of conduct’ – designed to terrorise and exhaust a vulnerable victim.

At the time the new legislation was framed the media publicised high profile cases in which fans stalked celebrities. However, those working on the bill – including Maria Wallis the then Assistant Chief Constable of Sussex – recognised that most incidents of harassment involve ordinary people (usually women) who have refused or ended a relationship with a violent abuser. Continue reading